Key Issues

Regardless of gender, raising children is no walk in the picnic. And while there are many resources out there to support parents, a good number of them fail to adequately address the fact that raising boys and raising girls present very different challenges.

Adolescent boys growing up in today's world face more issues than ever before, making it more challenging ever to raise an emotionally and mentally healthy child.

In order to raise such a child, it's critical to be aware of some of the most prevalent problems facing boys in today's world. This is far from a comprehensive list, but it's important to be aware of these key issues.

Mental Health

Young boys often struggle with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and behavioral disorders that can affect their academic performance and social life.


Boys are often subjected to bullying at school, which can lead to low self-esteem, increased aggression, and social isolation.

Substance Abuse

Boys are increasingly exposed to drugs and alcohol, which can lead to addiction and other health problems.

Gender Stereotypes

Young boys often face pressure to conform to traditional gender roles, which can limit their emotional expression and lead to toxic masculinity that can even lead to abusive behavior down the road.

Academic Pressure

Boys face academic pressure to perform well in school, which can lead to stress, anxiety, and burnout. They may also feel discouraged from pursuing certain subjects or activities due to gender stereotypes.

Physical Changes

Boys go through various physical changes during puberty which can be overwhelming and confusing for them. They may also face body image issues due to societal expectations.

Peer Pressure

Boys often face peer pressure to fit in with their peers, which can lead to engaging in risky behaviors such as smoking, drinking, or experimenting with drugs.

Technology Addiction

Boys are increasingly exposed to technology and social media which can lead to addiction, decreased physical activity, and poor mental health.

Absent Fathers

Boys who grow up without a father figure may face challenges in developing a sense of identity and may struggle with behavioral issues.

Violence and Crime

Boys are more likely to engage in violent behavior and become involved in criminal activities, which can have long-term consequences on their lives.

Body Image Issues

Boys may struggle with body image issues due to societal expectations around physical appearance, which can lead to unhealthy habits such as over-exercising or eating disorders.

Academics vs. Sports

Boys may feel pressure to prioritize sports over academics, which can limit their opportunities in the long run. They may also face difficulties balancing academics with sports commitments.


Boys may be pressured into sending explicit images or engaging in sexting, which can have legal and social consequences and negatively impact their mental health.

Single Parents

Boys who grow up in single-parent homes may face challenges in developing healthy relationships and may struggle with behavioral and emotional issues.

They’re All Connected…

None of these issues exists in a vacuum. Many of these issues directly relate to and impact other issues. For example, being a victim of bullying may very well lead to substance use or body image issues, and body image issues may lead to additional mental health issues.

When you begin to see how interconnected these issues are, navigating them can feel pretty intimidating. Our goal is to help you do just that.